Are you passionate about Edmonton’s history or cultural heritage? Do you enjoy writing, researching or storytelling? Is there a story from our city’s past or your past in the city that you want to share with Edmontonians? Then contribute your history or heritage story to the Edmonton City as Museum Project (ECAMP).
Three Historians Laureate Share Comments and Insights
The City of Edmonton, Edmonton Historical Board, and Edmonton Heritage Council are in search of Edmonton’s sixth Historian Laureate. Three of the five Historians Laureate to date have shared their insights with EHC on how historians and heritage practitioners can shape the role to work with their particular strengths.
Six Projects Funded Through HCIP Project Grant Stream
Edmonton Heritage Council is pleased to share details on six newly-funded projects under the Project grant funding stream of the Heritage Community Investment Program (HCIP). HCIP, administered by Edmonton Heritage Council and funded by the City of Edmonton, invests in the stabilization, increased professionalism and innovation of heritage in Edmonton, for Edmontonians.
Ask a Grants Coordinator
This post was originally shared in advance of the December 6, 2019 deadlines for Edmonton Heritage Council’s Project Accelerator and Travel streams, but will remain relevant as you begin to consider future grant applications. Our former Grants Coordinator, Soni Dasmohapatra, has shared some useful insights for prospective applicants.
Meet the HCIP Fall 2019 Grant Recipients!
The Heritage Community Investment Program (HCIP) invests funds (provided by the City of Edmonton) into the stabilization, increased professionalism and innovation of heritage in Edmonton, for Edmontonians.
Happy Birthday to EHC!
On November 19, 2009, the Edmonton Heritage Council held its founding meeting in the Empire Ballroom of the Hotel Macdonald. Ten years later, we find ourselves in a moment familiar to all in the heritage sector: the intersection of past and future.
HCIP Profile: Judy Iseke
Dr. Judy Iseke’s new film and website comprise a “cultural ecosystem” designed to build “resources to inform educators interested in reconciliation and language revitalization”
Capacity-Building Workshop Final Session Scheduled
Good news! We have solidified a date for the final workshop in our fall Capacity-Building series. Join fellow heritage practitioners for an in-depth session focussed on succession planning, led by our very own Soni Dasmohapatra. For more information and for complimentary tickets, click here.
ECAMP Is Back!
In October 2018, Edmonton City Council unanimously approved a new ten-year plan for transforming arts and heritage in Edmonton.
Mentor Spotlight – Marlena Wyman
Marlena (she/her) is a visual artist who has made Edmonton her home since 1974. She was born and raised in southern Alberta on her family farm near Rockyford. She worked at the Provincial Archives of Alberta for 28 years, and her artworks are inspired by her research into archival records. Marlena continues to work and… Read more »