Statement from the Edmonton Heritage Council The Edmonton Heritage Council stands united in our commitment to the preservation of the former Royal Alberta Museum (RAM) building in Glenora. This Centennial building is not merely a structure; it embodies a significant chapter in our city’s history and architectural heritage. Listed as one of the National… Read more »
Posts Categorized: City Heritage
Adriana Davies: Inaugural Recipient of Heritage Writers’ Reserve Award
The Edmonton Heritage Council (EHC) announces Adriana Davies as the inaugural recipient of the Heritage Writers’ Reserve award.
An In-Depth Look at the Reconciliation and Resurgence Symposium
In the lead-up to the symposium Reconciliation and Resurgence: Heritage Practice in Post-TRC Edmonton on March 3 and 4, Steering Committee member Kim Ghostkeeper has shared her perspectives on how the symposium can benefit attendees from within and outside of the heritage sector.
Three Historians Laureate Share Comments and Insights
The City of Edmonton, Edmonton Historical Board, and Edmonton Heritage Council are in search of Edmonton’s sixth Historian Laureate. Three of the five Historians Laureate to date have shared their insights with EHC on how historians and heritage practitioners can shape the role to work with their particular strengths.
Six Projects Funded Through HCIP Project Grant Stream
Edmonton Heritage Council is pleased to share details on six newly-funded projects under the Project grant funding stream of the Heritage Community Investment Program (HCIP). HCIP, administered by Edmonton Heritage Council and funded by the City of Edmonton, invests in the stabilization, increased professionalism and innovation of heritage in Edmonton, for Edmontonians.
HCIP Profile: Judy Iseke
Dr. Judy Iseke’s new film and website comprise a “cultural ecosystem” designed to build “resources to inform educators interested in reconciliation and language revitalization”
ECAMP Is Back!
In October 2018, Edmonton City Council unanimously approved a new ten-year plan for transforming arts and heritage in Edmonton.
On the State of Museums in Edmonton
Museums and cultural institutions are the silent engines of our city. They are the places that drive creativity, and connection. They are vital to our local cultural economy, and to our attractiveness as a city. Above all, they are the places where we find a common understanding about our city and our identity The EHC… Read more »
Meet the First HCIP Recipients of 2019!
The Heritage Community Investment Program (HCIP) invests funds—provided by the City of Edmonton—into the stabilization, increased professionalism and innovation of heritage in Edmonton, for Edmontonians. The HCIP program offers four unique grant streams: Operational, Project, Project Accelerator, and Travel Grants to individuals and heritage organizations working to connect citizens to the stories of our city. The Project Accelerator Grant… Read more »
Investing in Our Heritage: The Edmonton Chinatown Chinese Library
On a particularly cold January day, I’m greeted with two smiles and a hot cup of tea. As I settle into conversation with Lai Chu Kong and Wai Ling Lennon, two members of the Edmonton Chinatown Chinese Library, their sense of pride in the library, and its responsibility for preserving the cultural heritage of Chinese… Read more »