Overview: 2020 HCIP Recipients

2020 has been a year of significant change for Edmonton Heritage Council and the Heritage Community Investment Program (HCIP). We have been working hard to engage with the mandate outlined in Connections & Exchanges: A 10-Year Plan to Transform Arts and Heritage in Edmonton, while also responding to the changing needs of the heritage sector in light of the COVID-19 public health crisis. The Online Learning Grant was developed to temporarily replace our Travel Grant and the Project Accelerator Grant was streamlined to focus on the creation of new virtual heritage platforms (through the Digital Heritage Experiences sub-stream) and support heritage practitioners in undertaking preliminary research and planning towards a larger project (through the Individual Seed sub-stream). We continue to adapt our grant program to be more responsive in the coming year, with new guidelines to be available in January 2021.

We would like to take this opportunity to celebrate the exciting heritage work that EHC has had the pleasure to support over the past year through our Operational, Project, Project Accelerator, Travel, and Online Learning Grant streams. Visit the grants section of our site to see some of the changes we are making to HCIP to better serve the heritage community.


Supporting museums, archives, and other heritage organizations to research, preserve, interpret, and advocate for Edmonton’s heritage.

Alberta Aviation Museum (Grant Amount: $158,478)

Read about AAM’s stewardship of Edmonton’s aviation history on their HCIP recipient page.

Alberta Genealogical Society (Grant Amount: $22,276) 

Follow this link for a brief description of the society’s support and services.

Alberta Labour History Institute (Grant Amount: $9,050)

ALHI’s HCIP recipient page provides an overview of how the organization contributes to an historical awareness of workers’ issues.

Alberta Pioneer Railway Association (Grant Amount: $16,457)

Learn more here about the ways APRA’s Alberta Railway Museum tells the story of Edmonton’s development through railways.

Edmonton Chinatown Chinese Library (Grant Amount: $16,991)

Read more about ECCL’s mandate to serve the Chinese community and the general public through history and culture.

Edmonton Radial Railway Society (Grant Amount: $14,603)

The Edmonton Radial Railway Society’s HCIP recipient page discusses the ways the organization collects and restores street railway artifacts.

Loyal Edmonton Regiment Museum (Grant Amount: $7,810)

Read more about LERM’s work in preserving Northern Alberta’s military heritage.

Société historique francophone de l’Alberta (Grant Amount: $30,990)

La Société’s activities supporting work around Alberta’s Francophone history are summarized here.


Supporting non-profit organizations to undertake projects that preserve, research, document, interpret, celebrate, and raise awareness of the history and heritage of Edmonton.

Alberta Council of Ukrainian ArtsThreads That Connect (Grant Amount: $9,750)

Alberta Labour History InstituteOral Histories with Recent Immigrants from Muslim – Minority Countries (Grant Amount: $25,000)

Black Canadian Women in Action SocietyBCW: Black Girls Empowerment by Art & Culture (Grant Amount: $20,870)

Bannerman Community LeagueEdmonton Eats Documentation Project (Grant Amount: $25,000)

Centre Communautaire EdmontonIndigenous Cultural Program (Grant Amount: $21,000)

Commonwealth Association of MuseumsEdmonton-Caribbean Heritage Exchange (Grant Amount: $25,000)

Project Accelerator

Supporting individuals and organizations to undertake small-scale heritage projects.

Alberta Pioneer Railway AssociationNorthern Alberta Railway Business Car “DUNVEGAN’ Restoration Proposal (Grant Amount: $8,248)

Richard Awid “Walk With Me My Son…You and I have some stories to tell.” (Grant Amount: $7,000)

Lan Chan-MarplesLive from Edmonton Chinatown – Chinese City Market Stories (Grant Amount: $7,000)

Patricia DarbasieA new play – yet to be named (Grant Amount: $7,000)

Edmonton Indigenous Seniors CentreEdmonton Indigenous Seniors Centre Archive Project (Grant Amount: $10,000)

Edmonton Women Sheltering WomenEdmonton Women Sheltering Women Book Launch (Grant Amount: $8,595)

Ground Zero ProductionsJasper Place Community History Project (Grant Amount: $10,000)

John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human RightsPaint the Rails Augmented Reality Mural Project (Grant Amount: $10,000)

Northern Light TheatreNorthern Light Theatre 45th Anniversary Archival and Digital Legacy Project (Grant Amount: $6,821)

Strathearn Community LeaguePark Adventures (Grant Amount: $10,000)

Ukrainian Shumka Dancers60th Anniversary Photo/Video Display (Grant Amount: $7,000)

Where Edmonton Community Artists Network Society (WECAN)Black Friday – Metamorphosis (Grant Amount: $7,000)

Brandon WintMy Body Is a Poem/The World Makes With Me (Grant Amount: $7,450)

Project Accelerator – Digital Heritage Experiences

Supporting individuals and organizations in new initiatives that share Edmonton’s stories through digital or virtual media.

Helen BelayThe Edmonton Capsule (The Renaissance Conspiracy: Decolonizing History miniseries) (Grant Amount: $10,000)

Adam BentleyJewish Edmonton Stories Online (Grant Amount: $10,000)

Boyle Street Community ServicesinVisible Persons: Projections from the Drop-In (Grant Amount: $8,796)

Dave ClarkeBeneath Our Feet – Edmonton On the Map (Grant Amount: $10,000)

Frederick KroetschWop May: The Untold Story (Grant Amount: $10,000)

Michelle LavoieEdmonton Queer History Interactive Map and Website (Grant Amount: $10,000)

Elizabeth LetendreDigital Memoir of Elder Elizabeth Letendre (Grant Amount: $10,000)

Celia TaylorHardboiled (Grant Amount: $4,500)

Megan TsangREN Project (Grant Amount: $7,000)

Elaine YipHeadstone Addresses (Grant Amount: $10,000)

Project Accelerator – Individual Seed

Supporting individual heritage practitioners in preliminary planning or research towards a larger heritage project.

Tara BeckYEG Forest Site School Pilot (Grant Amount: $4,500)

Yong Fei GuanGoji Paradise (Grant Amount: $5,000)

Crystal FraserResidential School Legacies – A Photo Essay of Forgotten Spaces in Alberta (Grant Amount: $5,000)

Rebecca LippiattEdmonton in the Time of COVID (Grant Amount: $5,000)

Kristine NuttingKookum Stories (Grant Amount: $5,000)

Sharlene ThomasMovements: Retracing the Steps (Grant Amount: $5,000)


Supporting heritage practitioners to travel outside of the Edmonton Metropolitan Region for professional development or research that will support the telling of Edmonton-based stories.

Juliette Champagne (Grant Amount: $2,330)

A trip through Paris, Meudon, Nantes, Ste Pazanne, Renne, and Le Mans allowing Juliette to complete her research in the preparation of two manuscripts.

Crystal Willie (Grant Amount: $3,670)

A one-week residency at L’AiR Arts in Paris, France revisiting the spirit and creative influences of Les Années Folles – The Roaring 20s and the interwar period when Paris was a safe haven for international artists in a world upended.

Online Learning

Supporting heritage practitioners to participate in online courses, workshops, or virtual conferences to gain new skills to contribute to the development of heritage in Edmonton.

Stephanie Huolt (Grant Amount: $1,406) – Leadership Communications and Managing Organizational Change (University of Alberta, Faculty of Extension)

Jean Middleton (Grant Amount: $1,635) – Project Management Series (University of Alberta, Faculty of Extension)

Marlee Yule (Grant Amount: $784.25) – Environmental Studies (Athabasca University)