Kyle Schole

Kyle Schole grew up near Westlock, just north of Edmonton, in Treaty 6 Territory. He studied Political Science and Canadian Studies at the University of Calgary before Interning for the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in Ottawa. Kyle then served as a certified sea kayak guide on the West Coast of BC. Nowadays, as a municipal planner with seven-plus years’ experience, he has a passion for tangible and intangible heritage. To that end, he has successfully led an intermunicipal initiative to see 718km of kisiskâciwani-sîpiy (North Saskatchewan River) in Alberta designated under the Canadian Heritage Rivers System, which will contribute to the conservation, stewardship, and celebration of the river’s exceptional natural, cultural, and recreational heritage values for future generations.

Kyle has also served on the Board of the North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance (NSWA) since 2021, was appointed by City Council to the Edmonton Historical Board for a term commencing in Spring 2024, and volunteers with the Edmonton Regional Search and Rescue Association (ERSARA). In his spare time, he still camps, kayaks, cold-plunges, and is an avid freediver.