The Heritage Community Investment Program (HCIP) invests funds (provided by the City of Edmonton) into the stabilization, increased professionalism and innovation of heritage in Edmonton, for Edmontonians.
The HCIP program offers four unique grant streams: Operational, Project, Project Accelerator, and Travel Grants to individuals and heritage organizations working to connect citizens to the stories of our city. The Project Accelerator Grant and Travel Grant streams have four intake periods per year. Through these two grant streams, the EHC supports individuals and organizations undertaking small scale heritage projects that tell an Edmonton story uniquely or innovatively and assists with travel, education, and research that shares an Edmonton story.
Project Accelerator Grant Recipients – Fall 2019
Andrea Beça
Solidarity Film Camp
Solidarity film camp aims to empower young, marginalized voices through the art of filmmaking because we know the importance of representation and diversity in the arts, and the strength of film and storytelling in changing the world.

Rayanne Haines
She of the River
To produce a braided, poetic multicultural and multi-generational theatre production in which eight Edmonton women of varying ages, cultural backgrounds, and sexual orientation join together on stage for an evening of poetry that reflects their upbringing, their identity stories, and their family journeys.

Robin Yusaf
Punjabi Pioneers of Alberta
This project aims to create an online documentary about the Punjabi trailblazers as early as 1903, starting with Edmontonian Sohan Singh Bhullar, whose trials and tribulations have directly shaped the representation and reflection of Asian Indian immigrants and other non-European Canadians who participate and identify with what they experience as Canadian life as Edmontonians today. From petitioning the government for a hot tamale restaurant and bar licence, to improving hostile working conditions, to starting a family and becoming a voting citizen, when you sit back sipping your IPL, enjoying a slice of atomic spiced butter chicken pizza, you have to give these brave men from Punjab the nod of respect they deserve.

Amal Mohamud
Somalis in Alberta
Through this project, Amal aims to create a docu-series program regarding the Somali Community in Edmonton, celebrating Somali Culture and stories on screen.

Travel Grant Recipients – Fall 2019
Neil Taylor
Destination: Ottawa, Ontario
The intent of these funds will go to researching Library Archives Canada and the Canadian War Museum re: the Second World War military service of several Edmontonians who served in the Allied air forces. This research will contribute significantly to a book Neil is writing on this topic. The information collected (e.g. Combat and intelligence reports, courts of inquiry, etc.) will also be added to the archival records of the Alberta Aviation Museum.
Marina Hulzenga
Destination: Whitehorse, Yukon
These funds intend to assist with travel from Edmonton to Whitehorse to participate in the Khoklx map 150th Anniversary Commemoration Conference, where Marina has been invited to exhibit her spatial installation: LIMINAL SPACE II AWASITIPAHASKAN and present a related talk during the conference.

Holly de Moissac
Destination: Jyvaskyla, Finland
These funds intend to share Edmonton’s perspective through printmaking at the 15th International Printmaking Triennial.

Jean Middleton
Destination: Gatineau, Quebec / Ottawa, Ontario
To attend the symposium on family learning and the value of play in the museum, the Canadian Children’s Museum, and to take part in the discussion of how to best meet the needs and values of children and families in their museum experiences. This trip will also provide an opportunity to visit the Canadian air and space museum and other national museums. These experiences will be incorporated into Jean’s role as a lead interpreter at the Alberta Aviation Museum as she develops a new strategy for a family program.

Nisha Patel
Destination: Various destinations, Ontario
The purpose of this travel is to tour Nisha’s unique stories and poetry throughout Ontario for the first time. She will be performing three shows in London, Ontario and Toronto, Ontario, over five days. Nisha believes that she is one of the first Indo-Canadian spoken word poets to tour this extensively in Canada, as this is her second tour in the country, and she is the first in Edmonton to do so. For Nisha, women’s stories and Indo-Canadian stories must be heard.

Naima Haile
Destination: London/Bristol, UK
The purpose of this study tour is to meet with both museum professionals and members of the Somali communities in the UK who are exploring ways of working collaboratively to collect, research, and interpret Somali culture and the history of Somali immigration and contributions to UK society. This trip will inform the development of the Museum of Somali Edmonton.

Congratulations to all our grantees!