The Heritage Community Investment Program (HCIP) offers grants to support Edmonton’s heritage sector. The Heritage Project Grant provides up to $20,000 for projects that preserve, research, document, and share Edmonton’s history, requiring a public sharing component such as a publication, presentation, or exhibition.

Other HCIP grants include the Operational Grant, supporting heritage organizations’ sustainability, and the Research & Development Grant, funding projects that are in the planning, research, and development phase that focus on the history and heritage of Edmonton.

We’re here to help!

If you have any questions or if you are unsure of which grant to apply for, please contact

Heritage Community Investment Program


My project contains elements of both research and presentation. Should I apply for the Research & Development Grant or the Heritage Project Grant?  

If your project contains any elements of publication, presentation, or other public sharing components, your project should be submitted to the Heritage Project Grant.  

We have received Heritage Community Investment Program (HCIP) funding in the past for a phase of research, planning, and development of a project. Can we receive a Research & Development Grant to continue a project that has already received HCIP funding?  

Yes. If your application demonstrates a new phase of work that builds upon completed prior phases, you can receive multiple Research & Development Grants for the same project. You must not have any open or outstanding grants with the Edmonton Heritage Council (EHC), and you must be up to date with final reports for all previous EHC grants.  

My project will be shared with some members of the public but won’t be fully published until a later date. Should I apply for the Research & Development Grant or the Heritage Project Grant?  

If the purpose of your project’s public sharing is to get feedback on your work to support the finalization of your project in the future, it is eligible for the Research & Development Grant.  

I am working on two projects. One is eligible for the Research & Development Grant and the other is eligible for the Heritage Project Grant. Can I apply for both projects at the same time?  

You can apply for both grants for different projects, but you can only be awarded one grant at a time.