HCIP Changes and New Deadlines

In response to community feedback and evolutions within the heritage sector, EHC has revisited its grant program to better address the needs of the community.As EHC continues to engage with the mandate outlined in Connections & Exchanges: A 10-Year Plan to Transform Arts and Heritage in Edmonton, we are working to equip community members with the tools they need to better realize such Connections & Exchanges aims as conditions are in place to remove barriers for all Edmontonians to participate in cultural experiences and new and existing heritage organizational capacity enables innovation and builds resilience in the sector.Highlighted changes are below:

  • Project Accelerator Grants are now divided into the two substreams of Digital Heritage Experiences and Individual Seed. These grants support individuals and organizations undertaking small scale heritage projects that tell Edmonton stories in unique or innovative ways.
  • In light of current restrictions on travel, the Online Learning Grant will continue to act as a temporary replacement for the Travel stream. Project Accelerator Individual Seed funding may potentially be used for regional travel if the applicant's aim is to gather research.
  • New for this grant run, the Change Capital Project Grant provides funding for heritage organizations to develop internal capacity and new strategies that build resilience within the heritage sector. This Project Grant substream helps heritage organizations strengthen their sustainability, as outlined in the Alberta Museum Association’s Sustainability Working Group Recommendations Report.
  • For the first time, programming expenses are eligible for Operational Grant funding.

For more information about HCIP as well as updated deadlines, please visit edmontonheritage.ca/grants.


HCIP Spring/Summer Recipients!


Congratulations to the 2020 HCIP Operational Grant Recipients!