The Heritage Community Investment Program invests funds—provided by the City of Edmonton—into the stabilization, increased professionalism and innovation of heritage in Edmonton, for Edmontonians. The HCIP program offers four unique grant streams: Operational, Project, Project Accelerator, and Travel Grants to individuals and heritage organizations working to connect citizens to the stories of our city. For more information on the Heritage Community Investment Program please visit
Operational Funding grants are designed to provide limited operating assistance—up to 25 percent of an applicant’s eligible expenses—to museums, archives, and other heritage organizations so that they can continue to research, preserve, and interpret Edmonton’s heritage.
Grant Awarded: $101,305.25The AAMA’s mission is to tell the story of Edmonton’s rich aviation legacy through exciting displays and activities related to Alberta and the north – past, present, and future.
Alberta Genealogical Society
Grant Awarded: $18,075.62
Founded in 1973, the Alberta Genealogical Society is a non-profit organization that promotes the study of genealogy and genealogical research within the province of Alberta.
Alberta Labour Institute
Grant Awarded: $7,788.00
The Alberta Labour History Institute (ALHI) is a non-profit organization whose volunteer members are dedicated to researching, recording, and preserving the contributions of the working men and women of Alberta to the province. The mission of ALHI is to contribute to an historical awareness of workers’ past through the ALHI website, oral history collection, educational initiatives, and special events.
Alberta Pioneer Railway Association
Grant Awarded: $8,999.50
The Alberta Railway Museum is operated by the Alberta Pioneer Railway Association (APRA). The APRA is a non-profit organization of volunteers with interest in the collection, preservation, restoration, and interpretation of artifacts that represent the technology and history of the Canadian National and Northern Alberta Railways as well as industrial and short line railways in Western Canada.
Edmonton Chinatown Library Foundation
Grant Awarded: $13,580.00
The Edmonton Chinatown Library Foundation was incorporated in Alberta on March 28, 2003 and the library opened to the public six years later in June 2009.
Visitors of all nationalities are welcome to become members. The library's mandate is to promote reading and Chinese culture, aligning with their new motto "Reading enriches the mind. Culture enriches the soul."
Edmonton Radial Railway Society
Grant Awarded: $17,150.00
The Edmonton Radial Railway Society (ERRS) restores, maintains, and operates historic streetcars with priority given to streetcars from Edmonton and across Western Canada. Streetcars have been restored to operating condition and placed in service on a regular schedule throughout the summer months at Fort Edmonton Park and on the High Level Bridge for the enjoyment and education of the general public.
Friends of the Provincial Archives of Alberta Society
Grant Awarded: $3,867.50
The mission of the Friends of the Provincial Archives of Alberta Society (FPAAS) is to help make the historical records of Alberta more accessible by promoting and supporting the Provincial Archives of Alberta (PAA).
Loyal Edmonton Regiment Museum
Grant Awarded: $3,759.31
The Loyal Edmonton Regiment Museum’s mission is to preserve the military heritage of the Loyal Edmonton Regiment and other central and northern Alberta military units, to honor past and present military service, and to promote a greater understanding of the legacy of military service of Edmonton and Northern Alberta.
Société historique francophone de l'Alberta
Grant Awarded: $30,989.75
Société historique francophone de l'Alberta has been active in the francophone community since 2004. Its foremost goal is the preservation of Alberta’s francophone heritage and history for educational purposes. The historical society seeks to not only protect the francophone heritage, but also make it accessible to the whole community. Data collection and their wide diffusion are important dimensions of the Society’s strategic plan.
Telephone Historical Centre
Grant Awarded: $20,072.40
The Telephone Historical Centre aims to achieve the acquisition, research, organization, documentation, exhibition, and storage of historical materials relating to the development of the telephone industry in Edmonton and telecommunications technology in general. The purpose of the museum is to preserve these artifacts and archival records for school children, the telecommunications industry, and the general public.
Ukrainian Canadian Archives & Museum of Alberta
Grant Awarded: $13,763.00
The Ukrainian Canadian Archives and Museum of Alberta’s (UCAMA) mission is to enrich appreciation of the Alberta experience by collecting, preserving, displaying, and promoting the region’s Ukrainian heritage in a creative and engaging museum environment. The organization develops and maintains a collection of artifacts, archival materials, and books that focus on the Ukrainian experience in Edmonton within the broader context of Alberta, Canada, Ukraine, and the world. UCAMA provides a public service, educational opportunities, and cultural resources to the local community and visitors to Edmonton through exhibits, school programs, special events, and research facilities.
Project Grant
Project Funding grants are designed to provide assistance—up to 75 percent of an applicant’s eligible expenses, to a maximum of $25,000—to museums, archives, and other heritage organizations so that they can undertake a project that will help preserve, research, document, interpret, celebrate, and raise awareness of the history and heritage of Edmonton. Projects may include a range of activities—including commemoration of significant anniversaries—and is intended to result in diverse and innovative ways of presenting Edmonton’s story for the benefit of all Edmontonians.
“Al Rashid: A Canadian Story”
Grant Awarded: $23,290.00
In recognition of Canada’s 150th, the Al Rashid Cultural Association will collect short stories and photos of how a few hundred Muslim immigrants from Lebanon and Syria established the first mosque in Canada in Edmonton in 1938. Stories and images from the community’s history will be collected and designed into a coffee table book to be launched in celebration of the mosque’s upcoming 80thanniversary. “Caboose No. 78185 Restoration”
Grant Awarded: $8,542.50
The Alberta Pioneer Railway Museum will restore the exterior and roof of the Canadian National Railways Caboose No. 78185, providing a compliment to NAR Caboose 1325 which was restored in 2017. “Frank Victor Burton Monument”
Grant Awarded: $11,600.00
In continuation of efforts to recognize and respect historical connections to naming, the Brookview Community Association will install a monument in Bulyea Heights in commemoration of Victor Frank Burton. Burton has two streets and a park named after him in the area and was an integral part of the community. “Celebrating Edmonton’s Finnish Immigrants Media Project”
Grant Awarded: $20,000.00
In celebration of Canada 150 and 100 years of independence for Finland, the Finnish Society of Edmonton will document and tell the story of Finnish migration to Edmonton by recording stories from the community. This digital, cross-platform media project will tell the history of Edmonton’s Finnish community and celebrate its heritage through video, audio, text, and photography. “The Cinema Heritage Project”
Grant Awarded: $19,400.00
Metro Cinema will work with partners to assemble stories and milestones from Edmonton’s history as both a hub for the creation of film and video art and its grand tradition of movie houses going back a century. The project will result in a series of short videos that can be broadly distributed online and on the city’s screens, as well as an in-depth hour-long living tour to run monthly at the Garneau Theatre. “Amiskwaciwaskahikan: Edmonton from Time Immemorial”
Grant Awarded: $6,505.00
The Strathcona Archaeological Society is hosting the 43rdAnnual General Meeting and Conference of the Archaeological Society of Alberta, which will focus on the extended history of Edmonton and the surrounding Boreal landscape. “Archives Management Project – Stage 2”
Grant Awarded: $24,749.24
Stage 2 of THC's Archives Management Project will see the Curator and volunteers documenting and preserving the multimedia collection, which includes photographs, slides, blueprints, VHS, cassettes, and other related audio materials.
Project Accelerator Grant
Project Accelerator grants are designed to support individuals and organizations undertaking a small scale heritage project that tells an Edmonton story in a unique or innovative way. The Project Accelerator grant will support up to $10,000 of eligible expenses, including facilitator or consultant fees, project or programming expenses, or communications expenses.
“Treaty Tales: The Animals We Walk Beside”
Josh Languedoc
Grant Awarded: $5,875.00
In conjunction with his upcoming Canadian Association of Fringe Festivals tour, indigenous playwright Josh Languedoc will write, research, and develop his one-man traditional Indigenous storytelling show, Treaty Tales: The Animals We Walk Beside. Funds will compensate dramaturgy, research, and fees associated with obtaining proper indigenous protocol. “Arterial”
Abdul Malik
Grant Awarded: $10,000.00
Arterialis a documentary that explores the cottage industries that grew up alongside the highway and how they are being phased out and replaced by corporate rest stops. Roadside attractions were often run by migrants of various generations who found stability and income at rest stops. These stops became a haven for people of various trades and skills to sell their work. This documentary will collect the generational stories of the origin of these cottage industries – the people who started them and where these people may go as a result of corporate rest stops. “The Other - Sharing and Telling Stories About Our Colourful Heritage”
Grant Awarded: $10,000.00
The Red Ribbon Foundation will produce monthly podcast, The Other, based on communities’ lived experiences that reflect who we are as a city. By collaborating with culturally diverse community artists, musicians, youth, families, and local organizations, they will share stories through intergenerational and transnational dialogue, explore the multicultural landscape and heritage of Edmonton, and build deeper grassroots media capacity in our communities. “Repair, Stabilization, & Promoting Reconciling Edmonton”
RISE - Reconciliation in Solidarity Edmonton
Grant Awarded: $7,900.00
This project focuses on the repair, redesign, and promotion of Reconciling Edmonton– a mixed-media exhibit based on archival photos showing reconciliation from Treaty signing to present day. This includes the remounting of interpretive panels, production of professional art shipping containers, development of promotional materials to share with potential exhibition sites, and creation of a page on the RISE website to promote the exhibit and share information about its development and history.
Travel Grant
The Edmonton Heritage Council offers two types of travel grants: research and education. Research travel grants offer limited assistance to individuals—up to $4000—for funding research that will lead to the telling of untold stories related to Edmonton’s heritage, and must be conducted outside the corporate limits of the City of Edmonton. Education travel grants offer limited assistance to individuals—up to $4000—for funding travel for educational opportunities at workshops, conferences and formal educational programs that will benefit the applicant personally and, by extension, Edmonton’s heritage sector.
Osas Eweka
Grant Awarded: $425.00
Travel and education funding to attend the Annual WORLD Natural Hair & Healthy Lifestyle conference in Atlanta, Georgia from April 21-22, 2018. Frederick Kroetsch
Grant Awarded: $1,050.00
Travel funding to screen his documentary, Last of the Fur Traders, at the Great Northern Arts Festival and in other Northern communities. Frederick will travel with his father – the subject of his film – to Inuvik, Aklavik, and Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories from July 13-22, 2018. Raymond Yakeleya
Grant Awarded: $3,025.00
Travel funding to conduct and record interviews with former patients of the Camsell Indian Hospital at sites in northern Alberta and the Northwest Territories throughout the summer of 2018. This travel is part of ongoing research for a documentary on the Charles Camsell Hospital.