Presented by Marina Hulzenga as part of the symposium Reconciliation and Resurgence: Heritage Practice in Post-TRC Edmonton

A spatial installation as a territory for conversation. Comprised of different collections of maps, this spatial installation illustrates the border (in all meanings,) of First Nations reserves in Alberta. There are 141 First Nations reserves in Alberta. Each is a landscape “for the use and benefit of the respective bands for which they were set apart” (18. (1) of the Indian Act.) At the edges of reserves an expanse of liminal space lies, manifesting itself through various physical, social, and emotional experiences. This project focuses on these border experiences and analyses the various layers in which the liminality of separation reveals itself. The exhibition pays witness to these border spaces, in this way creating a new territory of conversation and illuminating matter of peripheral debate and border issues, which can be as well recognized on a global scale.

LIMINAL SPACE: The space of a threshold from one domain to another.

AWASITIPAHASKAN: Across the border line (in Cree.)

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